Printing Full Pyramid Of Stars


Creating patterns with stars is a common exercise in programming. In this article, we will focus on printing a full pyramid of stars using java. We will discuss the understanding of the pattern, the approach to constructing it, and provide a step-by-step solution with sample code.

Understanding the Full Pyramid of Stars

A full pyramid is a pattern that consists of rows of stars, where each row contains a gradually increasing number of stars. The stars are centered, forming a pyramid-like shape.


To print a full pyramid of stars, we can follow the following approach

Step-by-Step Solution

1.Input the desired number of rows for the full pyramid pattern.

2.Use a loop to iterate through each row from 1 to the desired number of rows: 

a. Use another loop to print the spaces before the stars. 

b. Print the desired number of spaces. 

c. Use another loop to print the stars. 

d. Print a star for each column up to the current row number, followed by another star for the next column.

3.After printing all the rows, the full pyramid pattern will be displayed.


Here's an example implementation for printing a full pyramid of stars:

Example Output

For numRows = 5, the output will be:


Printing a full pyramid of stars is an interesting pattern that demonstrates the use of nested loops. By understanding the approach and following the step-by-step solution provided, we can create various patterns of full pyramids with stars. This exercise helps improve our understanding of loops, pattern generation, and logical thinking in programming.


Write a program to print Inverted Full Pyramid of stars.