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How to solve a problem in Leetcode:
First copy the code from above block having the entire code using copy button at top right that will appear when hover over the code block.
Now go to :
It will open a coding playground for you
Change the dropdown from C++ to java, since we are coding in java
Replace the content in leetcode code section with the code copied from easyprogramming
At the bottom left of output section, you will see stdin button. Click on that and write your name in the text area popped up below that. (If you are taking multiple inputs from the user, enter all the inputs, separated by a new line using enter key)
At top left you will see Run code button. Click on it. your program should give the result in the output window.
Please share your feedback if you face any challenge or have any query.
Write following Programs in Leetcode by yourself
Program to express your love for coding
Creating a Personalized Statement with Java
Perform Arithmetic Operations with Java
Calculating the average of three numbers